A few words from Narendra Kumar
Big data analysis, cooperation in the field of SQL and BL

Dear All
I am working on three projects presently on which we can work together for mutual growth
FIRMS India:
A platform to promote Interdisciplinary Research in Science Technology and Management. Under this banner we are planning to organize International seminars, workshops and summer schools regularly in India and abroad as per need of our team and demands from universities and companies.
Imp. Points:
- We want to add at least one vice president in FIRMS India nominated by you people. We can discuss commercials during our physical meeting in near future after commencements of international flights from India; I will visit Istanbul and any other city as per your wish since I could not come to you presently due to corona pandemic. Now a day’s more than 0.2 million cases per days of COVID 19 are appearing in India.
- We planned an International conference on data science during October 1 – 3, 2021 in the city of Taj, Agra. I need your support for the grand success of the event. Kindly nominate at least four professors from your group of esteemed professors in the same domain as soon as possible so we can send proposals to springer or any other publishes to print proceedings. You may suggest any publisher for the same purpose. Details regarding the event like websites and submission of papers shall be discussed with you first week of May. Kindly feel free to suggest change in dates or name of the conference series.
- 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications , India (October 1-3, 2021)
- 4th International Conference on Mathematical Science and its applications in Science and Technology. India (December 22 – 24, 2021)
- 5th International Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Data Science and IoT, Singapore ( January 8 - 10, 2022)
- 6th International Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and IoT in Healthcare Industry and medical devices, Thailand (September 16 - 18, 2022)
- 7th International Conference on Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence (to be planned )
- We have started international journals in the field of management, and mathematical science and Data science two years ago. Now, we are planning to get ISSN numbers and regularise the same in more professional manner.
- FIRMS International Journal of Mathematical Sciences
- FIRMS International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
- FIRMS International Journal of Data Science
- FIRMS International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
Imp. Points:
Madhav I. T. Solutions:
MITS: we are concentrating our work in the field of Data Science as commercial form of ITU-NTU collaboration in India. After getting initial training from your expert group, we shall try to work on some projects assigned by you then will explore the market of India finally all under developing countries near to India for example: Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.
Main objective of the after training program meetings shall be to identify the client based IT solutions and technical backup by ITU Istanbul as I discussed some main domain for client based IT solutions in my last document.
Academic Programs:
In addition to client based solutions for international customers, we have planned for some academic programs like
- Bachelor of Computer Applications (Data Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Data Science)
- Bachelor of Technology (Data Science)
- Bachelor of Vocational Studies (Data Science)
- P. G. Diploma in Data Science (Data Science)/ Certificate Programs
- Diploma in Data Science (three year) (Data Science)
- Master of Technology ( Data Science)
- Ph.D. in ( Data Science)
All programs will be started from 2022 – 2023 session and we are very near to sign MoU with an Indian university for the same project. In this MoU, We are sharing financial output with Indian university by using infra structure, labs of the university and recruitment of faculty/staff shall be our domain. We shall offer dual education model degree program for the students as 80% studies will be completed by Indian faculties and remaining 20% by the faculty member from Ukraine/ Turkey or some other countries. Tentative structure of the academic program as given
MITS will sign deal with ITU-NTU for client based IT solution for its international clients, FIRMS India will sign a deal with MITS for technical excellence support and internship of the students who shall study in the various Graduate or PG programs in the campus.
(More updates very soon )
Note: www.mitsbharat.com is under construction
Dr. Narendra Kumar